
Side Crow (Crane) Pose Tutorial

Parsva Bakasana

I love arm balancing asanas. This variation of Crow Pose challenges your core strength, arm strength, balance, and mental resilience! Remember to flow through a warm up before working on Side Crow. Maybe move through some sun salutations and hip and shoulder opening poses.

Step 1

I suggest beginning in Utkatasana, Chair Pose, to prepare for Side Crow. Lengthen through your spine, and place your weight towards your heels.

Step 2

Lets learn Side Crow on the left side of your body. With your exhale, bring your hands to your heart and take Parivrtta Utkatasana, Chair Pose Twist. Bring your right elbow to the outside of your left thigh, and let your left elbow point towards the sky. Make sure your knees are inline with each other, and you’re opening through your chest. Sink your hips a little closer towards the ground.

Step 3

Lean to your side and place your hands onto the ground underneath your shoulders. Keep your fingers spread wide to create more surface area, distributing the weight of the pose. This helps protect your wrists by decreasing the amount of force placed into the hypothenar region of your hands.

Step 4

Create a shelf with your arms for your thighs to rest on. Place your left hip on the back of your left upper arm, towards your tricep. Then, rest your left knee on the back of your right upper arm.

Slowly begin to distribute your weight from your feet to your arms and hands. Keep your knees stacked, maintaining the alignment created while in Utkatasana. Imagine that your hips and knees are a flat beam across your arms.

Step 5

Sometimes it’s fun to take a variation of Side Crow! You can try this by extending your bottom leg across your triceps, and lengthen your top leg behind your torso.

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